Where do you get your news?

People frequently ask me where I get my news, how to stay on the beat of what’s happening with climate change/environment/public lands news, especially within politics. I have no guidebook for where to get my news, but as a relatively woke millennial with a taste for actual newspapers, like the ones you hold in your hand, yet usually with access to only a smart phone, I’ve listed a barrage of news sources that I’m happy to share.
The New York Times Daily – usually under 30-minutes. Captivating, more than just news. Actual storytelling of news that you’ll remember months from now. I listen to 99% of these and will catch up on old episodes on long car rides.
Living on Earth – 50-minutes evey Friday. It recaps environmental and climate change news with a sprinkling of uplifting nature stories and close looks at endangered species around the world. From Public Radio International. Nerdy and wonderful.
Specific Upstream worth listening to: a look at why capitalism may be the problem with combatting climate change.
River Blue: the jaw-dropping reality of fast fashion. Will make you rethink those cheap jeans you just bought. :/
Okja – an action adventure ‘kids’ movie with deeply philosophical and ethical undertones about the meat industry. On Netflix.
There There by Tommy Orange
If you read one book this year, read this one. Native American history has been ignored so blatantly in US history and I'm attempting to learn more. This is a beautiful, disturbing novel to get you started. Get it.
Drawdown by Paul Hawken
Get this for the family member or friend who thinks climate change is mumbo jumbo and not important. Coffee table-like book, but very important suggestions for how to drawdown our greenhouse gas emissions.
If you’re on social media and want to learn a little more from it, you can!
- Check to see if your senators and representative are on social media. Follow them.
Knowing what the people who represent you, even if you don’t agree with them, are releasing on their social channels can be useful. Even though I don’t agree with much of what Senator Cory Gardner has done, I still follow him on Twitter because I find it useful to know what he deems as important to share with his constituents. And I comment when I have questions or concerns. Also in Colorado, Senator Michael Bennet is very active on Twitter and Instagram. I think Twitter is the superior channel for news in general since you can attach links. But, Instagram isn’t worthless. And I know most people are already spending time on it.
More specific to Colorado: I follow Representative Jared Polis (and my choice for Colorado Governor this midterm!) and other Colorado representatives: Diane DeGette and Mike Coffman, which are in the congressional districts where I went to high school (1 and 6).
Important note: Mike Coffman has an incredible opponent this midterm in lawyer and former Army Ranger Jason Crow. Crow is committed to clean energy and climate change policy, unlike Coffman who has questioned the correlation between human released greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. Follow these people so you can make an informed choice if you live in District 6. Polling predictions here—not that I follow polls closely.
- Organizations on social media
Protect Our Winters - climate change advocacy organization + separate org that endorses pro-climate change candidates and elected officials.
T: @ProtectWinters
IG: @POW_Action_Fund
Better for actual election advice:
POW Action Fund – bookmark this for when you get your ballot or go into vote!
350.org - Bill McKibben's original grassroots org for climate change mitigation.
T: @350
IG: @350org
Winter Wildlands Alliance – really worth becoming a member if you backcountry ski/board/snowshoe or like walking in forests in the winter.
News Websites
The New York Times (subscribe to climate newsletter) - by subscribing, you'll get an email with the best of climate change news every week or so. It does not bombard you with emails.
Grist Funny and informative news about climate stories; worth reading often because it spices up the typical dry writing of enviro news.
Outside Useful for adventure, endurance sports news plus the beat on outdoor recreation industry news, plus endless gear reviews, plus some really incredible feature every once in awhile. I also get this in print!
National Geographic Admittedly, I struggle with finishing these in their entirety, but they're worth keeping for the long-term when you need a magazine to take on a trip or plane. The stories and photos are timeless. I also get this in print!
Patagonia Blog: The Cleanest Line. Succinct, beautiful storytelling.
Now, want to get involved with a local non-profit in your area?
FIND ONE HERE! Patagonia Action Works is like a dating site for people who want to do something for their communities/the Earth.
Holler with any more go-to climate/enviro news resources I've missed! cgalla44@gmail.com